Monday, August 18, 2014

Welcome to Third Grade

It's hard to believe but we are one week in to our new school year!  We've already been hard at work getting to know one another and learning what life as a third grader looks like.  I'm so excited to get this school year underway.

Here are some of the highlights:
Mr. Lumb came to visit both third grades!  It's become quite the tradition for him to come and read Mr. Tanen's Ties to us.  We loved getting to spend some time being silly with our principal!

Is your favorite color pink?  Did you ride on a plane?  Our second day included a scavenger hunt to get to know one another's interests and hobbies.  

 We made it to the Third Day in Third Grade!  Our day was all about the number 3.  We read stories, played math games, and did writing all based on that wonderful number.

 Of course we had to have some time on the playground too!  Playing basketball is taken very seriously in third grade.

Feel free to leave us a comment.  Be on the lookout for a guest blogger and photographer this week.  Happy Learning!