We completed our first Random Act of Kindess last week. My students were so excited about their first R.A.K.! I loved watching their faces as we prepared and then carried out our plan.
First, as a class we decided to create a candy bar thank you card for our school principal. He works so hard to help our school and my students wanted to make him feel special. I had a wonderful parent donate the candy, as well as the wording for our note.
I can't even begin to tell you the excitement level in our classroom as I wrote out the letter. They were so excited for the opportunity to brighten someone's day! I was so proud of them. Here they are with their first Random Act of Kindness:
After we all agreed that the card was as perfect as it could get, we marched down to the principal's office to present him our gift. As we walked in, we told him that he had been "R.A.K.ed". He spent time reading the note and huggin the kids.
After we shared our card, we headed back to the classroom. We talked together about our feelings after giving to our principal. They wrote these thoughts down on sticky notes. Some of my favorites included:
-I'm 100% happy! There's no room for sadness!
-I feel great!!
-Glad we got make him smile today!
What a great life lesson for my kids! They are now working to earn more time to do more Random Acts of Kindness throughout our building. I hope you feel inspired. I'm loving this experience. Be on the lookout for more R.A.K moments!